Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween...Always

Well another Halloween has come, and gone, and I must say...we enjoyed. Of course I'm just a big kid at heart, and so it's not to surprising that I would enjoy it so much.

From carving the Jacks, to decorating the house. From dressing up, to handing out treats. Halloween's got a lot going for it!
I was bothered by the amount of Trick or Treater's though. Also the 90 percent of the houses on my street without decor...without even a porch light on.

Maybe it was the weather? It was supposed to be rainy, and...sure enough it did sprinkle a little, for a short time, but not much. And the weather was 60 degrees...downright balmy for a Halloween in the North East!

Maybe it was the Swine Flu threat? People sure seem to be taking a lot of precautions against contracting it. But when you look at's a small percentage of people who have it, or, who are carriers, and so your risk is minimal.

It is another tradition falling to the wayside in this newer, fast paced,what about me, modern time. Every year it seems like less, and less kids...Every year it seems like less, and less houses handing out treats. And while the I understand that the times do and will change, I really hope that we do not permit this tradition, to be one of those changes. Children are robbed of they're innocence so early much is expected of them at an early age...That I think they are being robbed of something that is very important...The magic that is just being a child.

My wife and I, are so many times singled out, and labeled as "Rock-Well-ian". As though we are a blast from the past. And I guess what amazes us most is that it is always phrased as a term of it would be so nice if they could have that. Neither of us can understand...why they can't.

For we also live in these modern times...We have embraced the technology that is permitting me to post this letter today! And, yet...when it comes to the old traditions...we have chosen the to keep some of the old do everything we can to keep them alive. We do not understand why people can not put the brakes on the fast pace, for a least a short time to enjoy some of the old ways. Don't be afraid to let your kids, be kids. Don't be afraid to sometimes be a kid again yourself!

For as much as change is inevitable, it also fogs, and eventually hides what once only those who knew of it, can find it once again.

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